The WindGenerations Program offers one-time cash incentives for wind generating systems installed by NV Energy customers in Nevada. Qualified customers are eligible to receive the incentive upon completion of the project in compliance with utility standards and program requirements.

Incentive Amounts

Residential, small business, agriculture:

  • $2.50 per watt up to 10 kW not to exceed 60% of eligible installed system cost.
  • $1.50 per watt above 10 kW up to the program limit of 30kW

Schools and Public Buildings:

  • $3.00 per watt up to 10 kW not to exceed 60% of eligible installed system cost.
  • $2.00 per watt above 10 kW up to the program limit of 30 kW

Qualified Equipment:

The Wind generator(s) must be listed on either the California Energy Commission (CEC) or New York State Energy and Research Development Authority (NYSERDA) lists of eligible wind generating equipment.

ETC Green’s 1kW and 4kW wind turbines have been approved by the California Energy Commision and qualify for the NVEnergy Program direct rebate.

Please refer to our wind turbine product pages for more information: