Minerals and Metals

In late 2009, while surveying a potential renewable energy site that had been an historic gold mine, ETC engineers ran soil samples for calculating the necessary concrete footer depth for a wind turbine tower. The minerals lab report showed high concentrations of Au, Ag, Pd and 6 rare earth minerals. We negotiated the property-use contract to include the mineral rights and began to consider mining metals as a facet of all of our renewable energy projects.

This direction also provides the mineral stream source needed for our orchard trees in that trees, like people, require minerals to grow - basically trees need similar mineral combinations as found on the back of a bottle of vitamins. The opportunity was to extract those minerals which provide no benefit to the trees – no Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) - such as Au, Ag, Pt, Pd, Rh, Ru, Ir and other metals, and use the mill tailings, mixed with additional materials (dairy farm manure, potash, etc.) to make mineralizer to benefit the growth of our trees that could be distributed via the drip irrigation/fertigation systems already being installed for the orchards.

The Emerging Technology Corporation now has 56 mining claims in contract with operating mills. We are currently producing the following minerals and metals:

Au, Ag, Pt, Pd, Rh and Ir

We are also developing a large-scale Sc processing facility to produce both oxide and metal.

We are gearing up to produce various common Al-Sc alloys (ANSI/ISO) and will be able to produce custom Al-Sc alloys on demand.

For more information please contact: 702.588.2523