
It Couldn’t Be Done

It Couldn’t Be Done, by Edgar Albert Guest Somebody said that it couldn’t be done But he with a chuckle replied That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried. So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin On his face. If he...

It Couldn’t Be Done

It Couldn’t Be Done, by Edgar Albert Guest Somebody said that it couldn’t be done But he with a chuckle replied That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried. So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin On his face. If he...

American Greatness - Letter to Rachel Maddow

Rachel Maddow, D.PhilMSNBC Broadcast Journalist Dr. Maddow, Thank you for your contributions to the world of journalism. While so many of your colleagues are challenged to stay inside the lines of your profession’s proverbial ethics, your smiling face appears...

Blogging on

@etcgreen Even if we use your number of 2.8 miles/kwh, the Nissan still costs 4 cents/mile @12 cents/kwh. Or 1/2 the cost of a Jaguar @ the national B100 average of $4.20/gallon. Response… With respect, please take the time and make the effort to understand the...

Longevity is Critical for Sustainability

Dexter Ford, the long respected auto industry journalist, recently had an article printed in the NYT, “As Cars Are Kept Longer, 200,000 Is New 100,000″. I was surprised at what he thought was important in that article until I began “walking a mile in...


Penn & Teller are a veritable institution in Las Vegas Entertainment. Good to see they are expanding their horizons and using their celebrity to help the environment. PENN & TELLER &...

Blogging on the Tesla Forum

It has been an interesting experience visiting the Tesla Forum. Throughout the website and on our blog posts there, we salute EV’s as a viable solution to reduce our dependency on petroleum and (if the energy source is not coal) reduce emissions. ...

Does Cycling Reduce Petroleum Usage?

By Steve Frazer I love cycling. Year after year I have put more miles on my bike for transportation than on my ICE vehicle. However, cycling is not a solution to our petroleum problem. Actually, for most individuals, it is exactly the wrong direction based on the...

EV Tech - Postmortem

The phrase “Who Killed the Electric Car” has been in the press again lately with the recent release of the documentary, “Revenge of the Electric Car”. While it is our dire desire to be rid of all dependency on petroleum for our transportation...


Everyone today seems so focused on MPG, yet this unit of measure is outdated. If the fuel is scalable, economically viable, environmentally friendly and truly sustainable, then MPG is actually not that important. Petroleum is a finite resource. Focusing our resources...

Japanese Announce Source of Rare Earths

The Japanese have been searching for an alternative to Chinese rare earth minerals for more than a year and claim to have found it with this recently published paper. It has long been known there were high concentrations of minerals on the ocean floor - this...

U.S. Migration

There are a dozen transportation infrastructures with a poll position to “wean” U.S. drivers off of OPEC petroleum. Only one of them is economically attractive, has the potential to become a large scale solution and can achieve rapid success. It is a...

Secrets to Success - Colin Powell

“There are no secrets to success” “Don’t waste time looking for them.” “Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty to those for whom you work and persistence.” General Colin Powell U.S....

Letter to our Friends in the EPA

Public Information Services Team U.S. EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality 2000 Traverwood Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2195 Thank you so much for your politically correct reply. There is a level of awareness in the letter that suggests the author has some...

EV’s and Hybrids are not our Future

While we appreciate the concept of limited EV production for specific markets, using battery powered vehicles to replace liquid fuel vehicles on a mass scale is problematic. We have found our readers to be extremely informed about transportation technologies, yet few...