Everyone today seems so focused on MPG, yet this unit of measure is outdated. If the fuel is scalable, economically viable, environmentally friendly and truly sustainable, then MPG is actually not that important.

Petroleum is a finite resource. Focusing our resources to double or even triple the Miles Per Petroleum Gallon (MPPG) for vehicles is wrong headed in that this direction only delays the depletion of this finite resource. The correct focus is sustainability. We must migrate to sustainable fuels as soon as possible to reduce the impact the end of the petroleum era will have on our economy and on all our lives.

If we stay on the current track, auto makers will spend several trillion dollars in R&D over the coming decade trying to increase MPPG for a fuel that will likely no longer be sold in the U.S. commonly within 10-15 years. Also, emissions from any vehicle running on petroleum sourced fuels - including gasoline powered hybrids such as the Prius and Volt - have no life-cycle emissions off-sets. As compared to petrodiesel, biodiesel from 2nd generation feedstock has radically reduced emissions: use of preferred sourced B100 completely eliminates lifecycle carbon dioxide emissions (CO2), it also reduces emission of particulate matter by 40-65%, unburned hydrocarbons by 68%, carbon monoxide by 44-50%, sulfates by 100%, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by 80%, and the carcinogenic nitrated PAHs by 90% on an average. The biodiesel molecules are simple hydrocarbon chains free of the aromatic substances and sulfur associated with fossil fuels.

So to calculate the MPPG - take the MPG and figure in the biodiesel blend % - B5, B10, B20, B50 (as with the ETC Green vehicles) or even B100 for an infinite MPPG (the Trident Inceni runs on B100 for example).

Actually, if vehicles were running on B100 sourced from 2nd generation feedstock, then lower MPG is more desirable as it better supports our economy. ETC Green Engineers are working with the EPA and DOT to establish a new unit of measure - MPPG so people have a better understanding of the performance and emissions of the vehicle. For more information please review the article, Are you driving your last gasoline powered car?

Since the current business plans for large scale 2nd generation feedstock in the U.S. include the planting of 10 billion 12′-14′ tall trees, this solution can also claim the air filtration benefits of those trees including the reduction of heavy metals from coal burning power plants and various particulates from petroleum burning vehicles.

Source of MPPG: Steve Frazer developed and published the concept in September of 2009 when authoring an article on biodiesel sourced from 2nd generation feedstock. The term has been submitted to the Webster’s Dictionary, various encyclopedias and has been defined and referenced in dozens of formal papers to government agencies (DoT, EPA, DoD, DoE, …). In recent months several auto manufacturers (including Audi, Chrysler, Ford, VW, …) have discussed adding this unit of measure to their vehicle new car tags with marketing campaigns in an effort to better educate the public.