A new report called Technology for a Low Carbon Future tells world leaders how to use clean tech to slow climate change and give humanity more time to transition to a world powered by renewable energy. The paper, by former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Bre aking the Climate Deadlock initiative, calls for a dramatic escalation in renewable energy and energy efficiency programs combined with comprehensive efforts to slow deforestation.
According to the Climate Group, it’s vital to keep the planet’s temperature from rising by no more than 2°C (3.6° F) by 2050, and these efforts will yield more immediate results than more controversial and expensive proposals — including carbon capture and sequestration, and cap-and-trade programs.
The executive summary comes to five conclusions based on current understanding of the science, and the technologies that will help solve the problem:
Contact: Tom Howard-Vyse, Press Contact, The Climate Group, +44 (0) 207 960-2991, [email protected], ww.theclimategroup.org. The report is available for download as a PDF.