U.S. Solar PV Breaks 10 GW Barrier

U.S. Solar PV Breaks 10 GW Barrier

According to a new report by NPD Solarbuzz, solar photovoltaic (PV) installations in the U.S. have broken through the 10 gigawatt (GW) barrier. During the first half of 2013, more than 1.8 GW of new solar PV capacity was installed according to the North America PV...

Twin Creeks Technologies Claims Grid Parity

This seasoned team of engineers has basically developed a “Proton Knife” that produces silicon wafers for solar PV at half the price of current technologies. In the highly cost competitive field of solar PV manufacturing, this is game changing....

Billionaire Buffett Bets on Solar Energy

By Steve Leone December 7, 2011 inShare22 New Hampshire, USA — The “Oracle of Omaha,” who made his fortune by betting on technologies that appear underpriced, is now putting his money into solar. The solar industry got a turbo-boost of both name...

Largest U.S. Grocer installs Solar

Kroger, the largest U.S. traditional grocer, is exploring solar energy and the first of its projects have been completed. Smith’s Food & Drug Stores, a division of Kroger, has completed the installation of photovoltaic (PV) solar panels on two of its locations in...

Tradable Renewable-Energy Credits in CA

California homeowners and small-business owners who install solar-electric systems may soon start to receive an additional reward that could be worth hundreds of dollars a year. The California Public Utilities Commission has authorized the use of tradable...

SunEdison - Europe’s Largest Solar Plant

SunEdison, a division of MEMC Electronic Materials, Inc. WFR, received final approval from the Italian government to develop and construct a 72 Megawatt (MW) photovoltaic solar power plant in Northeastern Italy, near the town of Rovigo. When completed, this is...