U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu has announced more than $204 million US in Recovery Act funding to support energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in ten states under the State Energy Program (SEP). Additional funds will be provided to the states upon successful implementation of the programs as follows:

  • South Carolina - $20.2 million. In addition to energy efficiency initiatives, the state also intends to provide financial assistance to various industrial, commercial and small business entities to support renewable energy projects. Additional funding available - $25 million.
  • South Dakota - $ 9.5 million for energy efficiency programs coordinated with the state’s energy goals to promote and encourage energy conservation, energy efficiency, renewable energy and alternative fuels. Additional funding available - $11 million.
  • Utah - $14.1 million for various energy efficiency initiatives and to collect more accurate data about the potential renewable energy resources in the state that can then be used to identify potential Renewable Energy Zones. Additional funding available - $17 million.
  • Washington - $24.3 million for two major programs: the Community-Wide Urban Residential and Commercial Energy Efficiency Program and the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Loans and Grants Program Fund. Additional funding available - $30 million.

    Additional details about this distribution of SEP funding were included in Friday’s edition. (Source: U.S. DOE, June 24, 2009)

    Contact: Cathy Zoi, Assistant Secretary, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, (202) 586-9220, [email protected], www.energy.gov


    1. https://www.sangomahealing.com/
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    3. https://www.etcgreen.com/
    4. https://www.dfwgaelicleague.com/
    5. https://www.harbourtonfoundation.org/
    6. https://newcovenantumc.org/
    7. https://clairemarieleguay.com/
    8. https://islamiccouncilofoklahoma.org/
    9. https://ctamaine.org/
    10. https://mccabechapelumc.org/
    11. https://voneinspired.com/
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