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Home Information Industry News Biofuel Trident 70MPG B100 Supercar
Trident 70MPG B100 Supercar
Written by Steve Frazer   
Friday, 03 June 2011 15:27

The Trident Iceni supercar will take you and a friend 70 miles on a single gallon of B100 (biodiesel) and if you are in a hurry, it can get you there at over 200 mph. While Toyota Prius drivers might balk at the concept, if the owners of these U.K. manufactured cars are particular about always running B100 sourced from 2nd generation feedstock or WVO, they will be hands-down the Greenest cars in the world (this includes EV's and Hybrids). We expect Jay Leno and maybe Daryl Hannah will soon be pulling out of their garages in one of these sleek carriages.

Trident Supercar

The new car line is slated for launch at the UK’s Cholmondeley Pageant of Power on July 15, 2011. Under the bonnet of the Iceni is a modified 550 bhp GM 6.6 liter twin-turbo diesel V8 tuned for 100% biodiesel, and according to the info released by the manufacturer, the Iceni will actually run up to 230 mph, accelerate from 0-60 mph in 3.7 seconds, and deliver 70 mpg at a constant 70 mph. It will also have 100,000 mile service intervals, and is expected to sell for around $150,000 USD. ($75,000 £ + shipping and import tax)

And the driving range is an estimated 2,000 miles between fill-ups with the 28 gallon fuel tank. How does this car achieve such a range? The advanced 8 gear automatic transmission with patented torque multiplication and an innovative gearbox. The maximum torque of this supercar is a massive 950 lb ft (1,288 Nm) at 1,800 rpm.

Trident Supercar

With its advanced diesel engine, a 300,000 mile life-cycle will be common and since every one of these vehicles will become instant collector's cars, we promise a follow-up article on the first Iceni to break the million mile mark without an engine rebuild or replacement. This car has a stainless steel frame that is warranted for life and a material science selection process that rivals that of NASA. We find it amazing that GM is responsible for the engine, yet cannot offer any vehicles that are even in the same class.

Trident Supercar

When we do the math, it is easy to argue that the longevity of a vehicle can be 5 times more significant than the mpg rating when considering environmental impact and sustainability ... and sustainability trumps virtually all other variables under the "Green" mantra. Green Transportation Review

Trident Supercar

The "philosophy" of this sportscar reminds us that in the 1970's while the U.S. economy was still recovering from the OPEC Oil Embargo, the President of 2 GM divisions - Chevy and Pontiac - resigned his position because GM was only interested in manufacturing "throw away cars" engineered to last less than 10 years with little sensitivity to fuel efficiency or environmental impact. As an engineer and environmentalist, he was sincerely embarrassed at the quality, safety and longevity of the GM products he managed. He had developed and presented a business plan to "build a better car", yet could not persuade his Executive GM management to support his direction. Instead he left GM to start his own car company and though it was only in production for a few years, his firm did build a better car. While there were only a total of 9,000 of these vehicles built and the last car rolled off the assembly line in 1982, 7,200 of those cars are still on the road today. This author had the opportunity to talk and work with John DeLorean on his next car in the 1990's and while the term had not yet been coined, John was indeed very "Green".

The release of this very environmentally friendly Trident car marks a change in "Green Think". Drivers do not have to compromise on performance. They do not have to compromise on comfort. They do not have to compromise on safety. They do not have to compromise on driving range. We have the technology to build extremely Green cars that are fun to drive and will last for decades.

So, does this car come in the color green - British Racing Green maybe? We are considering making this wonderment of modern technology the official ETC Green company car ... really. Even with the pile of EPA paperwork that importing these cars will undoubtedly generate, it will be worth the effort. We are looking forward to placing the order for several vehicles (with the steering wheel on the left please). Living Green has its perks.


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