Solar Distinction Inc., part of the Noribachi Group said this week that it plans to build a solar photovoltaic manufacturing plant in Albuquerque. The plant will employ 300 within two to three years with a potential of up to 500.

Solar Distinction will also sell its photovoltaic technologies to third party companies throughout the Southwestern U.S.

The plant is set to open by year-end 2010, with enough operating capacity to produce 25 megawatts of solar panels. It will expand to a 50 megawatt capacity within two years, the Noribachi said.

Visible Light Solar Technologies plans to be the first to purchase Solar Distinction solar panel products. Visible Light Solar will be using the panels produced by Solar Distinction as part of its LED lighting fixtures (new or retrofit) with on-and-off-grid energy optimization solutions.

“We are pleased to participate in today’s announcement as one of Solar Distinctions first New Mexico customers,” said J. Dee Dennis, Jr. CEO of Visible Light Solar. “Our order is already in for custom solar panels. Keeping our own carbon footprint low is a big part of our company mission. Once their plant is up and running and our order fulfilled, we will be sourcing local components, supporting the New Mexico economy, reducing shipping costs, and helping revitalize a U.S. manufacturing economy. This is all part of our triple bottom line approach to business.”

Solar Distinction will also sell its photovoltaic technologies to third party companies throughout the Southwestern U.S. Visible Light Solar just announced its expansion into a 32,000 sq-ft facility in Albuquerque and nine new distributors to assist its global outreach.