A report by the U.K.’s Carbon Trust indicates that Britain could become the largest producer of electricity from offshore wind by the end of the next decade.
Focus for success: A new approach to commercializing low carbon technologies suggests that with carefully targeted subsidies and regulations, the U.K. could build 29 GW of capacity towards a world-wide total of 66 GW of offshore power, by 2020, giving it 45 % of the total offshore power market, compared to Germany’s 12 GW by the same time frame. The analysis also shows that, with 25% of the world’s wave technologies already being developed in the U.K., Britain could be the “natural owner” of the global wave power market, generating revenues worth $3.2 billion US (£ 2 billion) per year by 2050 and up to 16,000 direct job, providing that funding gaps are address in the wave sector. (Source: New York Times, July 3, 2009)
Contact: Focus for success: A new approach to commercializing low carbon technologies Details .